Template Dev in ContentCreator, 2025.3

Code Assistant

The Code Assistant is part of the FirstSpirit AI Assistant Suite. This AI-based assistant analyzes your HTML code and provides improvement suggestions. You can use the fully functional prompt provided by Crownpeak or modify it to define use case-specific topics considered in the analysis.

In addition to the Code Assistant, the AI Assistant Suite includes the following tools:


To use the Code Assistant in Template Development for ContentCreator, you need to configure FirstSpirit AI.

Like the other assistants in the FirstSpirit AI Assistant Suite, you can configure the Code Assistant prompts in the ServerManager. Additionally, with the appropriate permissions, you can edit prompts directly in the ContentCreator.

FirstSpirit offers a preconfigured functional prompt for the Code Assistant. This prompt analyzes your code and provides suggestions for improvement in the following areas:

  • Accessibility
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Web Development Best Practices

We recommend not to modify the prompt provided by Crownpeak.

If you need to customize the prompt, we recommend duplicating the preset prompt and adjusting it according to your needs.

For more information and tips on creating and editing prompts, see here.


You can analyze templates with the Code Assistant in both full-screen mode and preview. Problem areas in the templates are thus easily visible in the Code Assistant report, and you can access them with a click.

You can use the Code Assistant in the following areas:

To analyze a template with the Code Assistant in full-screen mode or in the preview:

  • Open a template in the template development for ContentCreator in full-screen view.
    Alternatively: Open a template in the preview.
  • Click on the Code Assistant icon.
    → The Code Assistant report opens, and the page analysis starts automatically.

    → Entries marked with indicate issues in templates. Each entry describes an improvement opportunity as well as the category assigned to the improvement opportunity.

If no improvement suggestions are displayed for the current template, uncheck Only for current template to see improvement suggestions for the entire page.

  • Optional: Configure the Code Assistant prompt.
  • If there are specific issues with an entry, you can expand the entry using the .
    → The reference name and line number of the affected template will be displayed.
  • Click on the reference name to go directly to the affected template and line.
    → If you are in fullscreen view and the affected template is not currently open, a new tab with the affected template will open. If you are in a preview, a new dialog window will open.
  • Hover the mouse pointer over the icon next to the affected line.
    → An explanation of the issue regarding the current line will be displayed.

Prompt Configuration in ContentCreator

With the appropriate rights, you can configure the Code Assistant prompt directly in the ContentCreator and tailor it to your individual needs.

  • In the Code Assistant report, click on the Edit Prompt icon .
    → The Edit Operation window will open. Here you can edit the prompt, assign options, add new options, and test the prompt.

Editing prompts

To edit a prompt directly in the ContentCreator:

  • In the Edit Operation window, click in the Prompt text field to edit it.
  • Optional: Change the name of the operation in the Name text field.
  • Save your changes.

An operation defines a task that is executed by the assistant. Options can be assigned to one or more operations. Options supplement tasks with predefined values (option value).
You can find more information on operations and options here.

Managing options

To assign an already existing option to the operation:

  • In the Edit Operation window, you assign an existing option to the operation by checking the box in the Use column.
  • Save your changes.

To add a new option:

  • In the window Edit Operation, click on Create New Option.
    → The window Edit Option opens.
  • In the Name field, specify the display name of the option.
  • Click on Create Option Item to add a new option value.
    → The window Edit Option Item opens.
  • In the Name field, specify the display name of the option value.
  • In the Prompt field, specify the prompt of the option value.
  • Click on Apply to save the changes.
  • Optional: Add more entries.
  • Click on Save to save your newly added option.
  • Assign your newly added option to the current operation.

To edit an existing option:

  • In the Edit Operation window, click on the Edit Option icon .
    → The Edit Option window opens.
  • Change the display name of the option as well as the display name and prompt of the option values or add a new option value.
  • Save your changes.

Testing prompts

To test your prompt directly in the ContentCreator:

  • In the Edit Operation window, click on Test Prompt.
    → The speech bubble Test Prompt opens.
  • Expand the Test Settings.
  • Select a Test Plugin to test your prompt in a specific environment, such as ContentAssistantPromptConfigurationTestPlugin to test your prompt for use in the Content Assistant.
    → The text in the Text Input field changes depending on the selected Test Plugin.
  • Optional: Edit the text in the Text Input field.
  • Optional: Edit your prompt in the Prompt field if the API response was unsatisfactory, and test it again.