Developing Templates in the Cloud, 2024.11

Template development guide

This document guides you through the template development process in FirstSpirit Cloud. You will find the general process explained briefly. Links will lead you to the detailed documentation to address specific steps of the journey.

Target audience: (New) template developers within the FirstSpirit cloud setting

Preconditions: DTB (Developer Training Basic)
Training & Coaching Center

Your FirstSpirit Cloud Environment

Your FirstSpirit Cloud instance includes three environments: Dev, QA, and Prod by default:

Development (Dev)
This environment is where one or more developers can work without posing any risk to each other or the production code.

Quality Assurance (QA)
This environment is the staging or testing area where you can test developed segments to ensure quality before they’re transferred to the Production Environment. Therefore this is a nearly exact replica of the production environment.

Production (Prod)
This environment contains all deployed/published projects that may already hold content and are available for your customers.

  • All three stages contain nearly the same projects.
  • Template and setting changes are regularly moved to the next stage to avoid divergent development states.
  • While Dev and QA typically contain test content, Prod contains all of the live project content

Preparations - Setting up the environment

Developing templates

There are two ways to develop your project:

Developing a classic HTML project

In a classic HTML project the HTML, CSS and JavaScript are developed in advance and transferred to your project in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect. You might be using this project type when your editors are going to work directly within the preview of the concrete target website.

Developing a headless project

In a headless project editors are only working with content which is distributed into FirstSpirit CaaS (Content as a Service) - a data pool of which the content can be accessed on different channels (PWA, touchpoint, …). You might be using this project type if you are developing a modern application with separation of front-end and content or diverse applications which will be using the same content in different target applications.

Developing a classic HTML project

Content model and front-end (HTML, CSS, JS) are fully created and maintained in FirstSpirit SiteAchitect

Developing a classic HTML project Support

1. Starting with an empty project

The basics of template development

Fundamentals about FirstSpirit template development

A. Manually creating templates
according to the HTML code structure (HTML may be provided by an agency)

Composition of Tempaltes

B. Importing templates
Use the HTML Importer tool

The Template Wizard

2. Creating forms for data entry by editors

Creating forms / The "form" tab

How should data be output and your website look like?

FirstSpirit template syntax

3. Uploading images and files
(incl. CSS and JS)

The FirstSpirit Media Store

4. Checking and debugging templates

Debugging template errors

Further capabilities of FirstSpirit templating and syntax reference (Scripting, API, guiding the editor etc.)

FirstSpirit template development

A. Continuously developing in an external tool (Recommended for major design updates.)

The FirstSpirit Media Store
Upload updated CSS and JS files to the Media Store

Composition of templates
Transfer modifications in HTML to the respective template in SiteArchitect

B. Continuously developing in the SiteArchitect (Recommended for smalle rmodifications.)

Composition of templates
Accomplish smaller changes in HTML directly in SiteArchitect

Developing a headless project

The front-end is usually hosted externally (e.g. PWA in Git), and the content model is maintained in FirstSpirit SiteAchitect.

Developing a headless project Support

1. Developing the front-end

You can use any PWA as front-end, no FirstSpirit output channel needed.

Examples: Custom apps (e.g. built with Angular, React, Vue.js), front-ends as a Service (e.g. Vue Storefront, Frontastic), Crownpeak blueprint custom app (FirstSpirit Experience Accelerator)

The FirstSpirit FSXA
FirstSpirit Experience Accelerator as an exemplary project

2. Developing the content model

The content is filled in FirstSpirit by means of forms.

Creating forms / The "form" tab

Starting an e-commerce project

In e-commerce projects, content and structure are defined by the FirstSpirit project, the front-end is developed separately. The frontend often strongly depends on the used e-com system.

FirstSpirit Connect for Commerce - Reference Project on Git
Our reference project allows an easy start for template development in e-commerce environments

Retrieving data in the front-end

Data is provided by FirstSpirit in a standardized, not adaptable JSON format. It is automatically delivered to FirstSpirit CaaS and can be retrieved by the front-end.

Caas product documentation
Fundamentals about FirstSpirit CaaS

CaaS Connect for Administrators
How to configure CaaS Connect

FirstSpirit's standardized JSON output
How does the JSON output look like?

Navigation Service
How to build dynamic navigations for headless scenarios

Distributing templates

Why to use template distribution

  • Support multi-stage development process (develop, test, release).
    Sharing work results across different stages (Dev, QA, Prod).
  • Synchronize multiple sub-projects (master → sub-project).
    Sharing work results across different projects.

Sub-projects can be projects for different countries of your web site (for example EN, DE, FR…). Use your "master" project for template development and distribute them to sub-projects for ensuring consistent design and structures across all projects, if needed.

FirstSpirit offers different tools for distributing templates.

Template distribution

Module for simply distributing all templates, mainly between sub-projects. In the default setting, only templates and technical media are distributed with a few clicks, across the 3 stages (Dev, QA, Prod). The capabilities can be enhanced by defining a custom configuration.

Content Transport

Capability for distributing selected templates, mainly between development stages. It allows a more custom configuration, for example: only modified templates. Moreover, it visualizes dependencies to referenced elements to make it easier for you to determine and transport complete structures.

Distributing templates via stages: Dev → QA → Prod

Sharing templates with different stages Support

1. Transporting templates Dev → QA
Transport the templates of your master project on Dev to your master on QA

a) using "Template distribution"
if you would like to easily transport all templates at once

What is Template distribution and how to use it

b) using 'Content Transport'
if you would like to transport only a subset of templates

Content Transport

Transfer templates via FS-CLI using the feature download and feature install commands

FS-CLI Releases
See command reference bundled with FS-CLI for more info

Use the Filesystem feature storage and transport templates via the “/opt/firstspirit5/s3-transfer” directory. (AWS S3 Bucket present in the Dev, QA, and Prod environments)

Content Transport
See Section 4.9 (Configuring the storage locations)

2. QA: check the result

3. Transporting templates QA → Prod
Transport the templates of your master project on QA to your master-project on Prod

a) using "Template distribution"
if you would like to easily transport all templates at once

What is Template distribution and how to use it

b) using 'Content Transport'
if you would like to transport only a subset of templates

Content Transport

Transfer templates via FS-CLI using the feature download and feature install commands

FS-CLI Releases
See command reference bundled with FS-CLI for more info

Use the Filesystem feature storage and transport templates via the “/opt/firstspirit5/s3-transfer” directory. (AWS S3 Bucket present in the Dev, QA, and Prod environments)

Content Transport
See Section 4.9 (Configuring the storage locations)

4. Prod: check the result

Transporting templates to sub-projects
If using sub-projects, include them into your transport strategy (see 4.1).

Continuous development takes place in the master project

  • transport changes regularly to the next stage
  • check result on the next stage
  • include potential sub-projects to your transport strategy (see 4.1).
  • only transport templates of your master to the next stage

Master → Sub-project

Transporting templates (master → sub-project) Support

1. Transporting your templates
Transport your templates from the master to the sub-project

a) using "Template distribution"
if you would like to easily transport all templates at once

What is Template distribution and how to use it

b) using 'Content Transport'
if you would like to transport only a subset of templates

Content Transport

Transfer templates via FS-CLI using the feature download and feature install commands

FS-CLI Releases
See command reference bundled with FS-CLI for more info.

Use the Filesystem feature storage and transport templates via the “/opt/firstspirit5/s3-transfer” directory.(AWS S3 Bucket present in the Dev, QA, and Prod environments)

Content Transport
See Section 4.9 (Configuring the storage locations)

2. Adjusting settings in the sub-project
(languages, resolutions, ContentCreator settings...)

Set project properties

3. Checking the result
Check the results in the sub-project (layout, function,…)

Using version comparison

Continuous development takes place in master project - transport changes regularly to the sub-project using "Template distribution" and check the result in the sub-project (layout, function…)