Multisite Management, 2024.9

Installation guide – Multisite Management


To use FirstSpirit™ Multisite Management, the following services must be installed and preconfigured:

  • FirstSpirit™ Multisite Management module in the current version
  • FirstSpirit™ (version 2023.12 or higher)
  • Tomcat 10.1.11 or higher
  • Fully configured CXT platform (including Tomcat properties files)
  • PostgreSQL (version 12.0 or higher)
  • A FirstSpirit™ module that provides the JDBC drivers for the used database

You only need a manual installation if you run a local FirstSpirit server. If your FirstSpirit is hosted in the Cloud, everything is already set up for you.
Only FirstSpirit server administrators can install modules.
A downgrade cannot generally be guaranteed.


The configurations must be made before installing the module for the first time. The order of the configurations does not matter.


A directory with the name "fs-multisite.fs-multisite-service" must be created in the "[FirstSpirit]/conf/modules/" directory.

Within the newly created directory "fs-multisite.fs-multisite-service", a new file named "fs-multisite-service.properties" must be created containing the following content:

fs.microapp.multisite.database.url=<JDBC URL>

Sample content for the "fs-multisite-service.properties" file:



  1. The "postgre-[version of the database].jar" file matching the version database must be copied into the "[Tomcat]/lib/" directory.
  2. In the "[Tomcat]/lib/config/" directory, a new file with the name "fs-multisite-microapp.properties" with the following contents must be created:

fs.microapp.multisite.database.url=<JDBC URL>

Sample content for the file "fs-multisite-microapp.properties":

The configuration parameters for the database must contain identical values on the FirstSpirit™ server and in Tomcat.


The schema matching the "fs.microapp.multisite.database.schema" parameter (if configured, it is set to public by default) must be created in the database. The user specified in the "fs.microapp.multisite.database.user" parameter must be granted full reading & writing permissions on the schema.

The FirstSpirit™ server and Tomcat must be restarted after the installation is complete.


The installation of the FirstSpirit™ Multisite Management (fs-multisite-[version].fsm) module on the FirstSpirit server is carried out as usually via the ServerManager.

To make the initial setup of the module as easy as possible, a number of things are automated during the installation. These include:

  1. Creating and deploying the global "FirstSpirit Multisite Management" web app.
    • ID: /fs-multisite-microapp
    • Name: FirstSpirit MultisiteManagement | MicroApp
    • Web context: /fs-multisite-microapp
    • The new web app is initially deployed on the same web server as the root web app.
  2. Adding the "FirstSpirit Multisite Management" web component to the ContentCreator web app.
    • The ContentCreator web app is not deployed automatically.
  3. Adding the internal "FirstSpirit Multisite Management" service to the list of automatically started services.
  4. If the configuration has been made correctly, the internal "FirstSpirit Multisite Management" service starts automatically and makes all the necessary changes in the configured database.

The ContentCreator web app is not deployed automatically and must be deployed manually by a server administrator.
If a separate ContentCreator instance is configured for a project, the "FirstSpirit Multisite Management" and "CXT-Platform | CC Integration" web components must be added.
Since every web application requires computing time, memory and storage space, it is recommended for productive environments to avoid using project-local web applications if possible.

Project configuration

Managing bundles

To use FirstSpirit™ Multisite Management as a source project, the "FirstSpirit MultisiteManagement | Bundle management" project component must be added to the respective source project.

After the project component is added to a project, the FirstSpirit™ Multisite Management application will be available for the project admins in the ContentCreator toolbar.

Restrict target projects

The available target projects for all bundles of a project can be configured in the FirstSpirit MultisiteManagement | Bundle Management project component. By default, all projects on the server are allowed as target projects.

To configure the available target projects for a source project, open the configuration of the project component for the source project in ServerManager and select the desired projects from the list of projects. If no project is explicitly selected, then all active projects on the server are available as potential target projects.

Layer mapping

To configure an indidividual layer mapping during the bundle installation process in a target project, it is necessary to add the "FirstSpirit MultisiteManagement | Layer mapping" project component to the corresponding target project.

The required mapping should be specified on a per-line basis, following the format "<source layer>=<target layer>". Additionally, the wildcard * is supported to represent all undefined source layers.

